The IT outage only affected businesses with an anti-virus program called CrowdStrike. It didn’t affect computers on Windows 11 because there is more built-in protection. Why you need to update to Windows 11 before October 2025.
Tag: #WhatsApp

Stay Safe Online – EE scam phone calls – Fake WhatsApp messages – Who Called Me?
Stay Safe Online
If your computer goes wrong, don’t automatically throw it away – unless it’s very old – we can probably fix it. We had a computer arrive the other day that had overheated – the customer said it was smoking! He did the right thing and quickly turned it off at the main socket, then unplugged it. He was lucky and, not only did we manage to retrieve all his data, we were able to replace the power supply – and it’s good for another few years; he can work on a computer he is familiar with and all his files are back where they were. So, before you give up on your computer – give us a call.
EE Scam phone calls
We had a phone call the other day: “Hi, this is EE, you’re eligible for a free upgrade on your phone.” They then asked for personal information that the real EE would have already had – like full name, birth date and other phone numbers I had. I gave a false name and date of birth – so if EE ring again and ask for Rob Jones – I know it’s a scam! But the best thing to do is say: “Great, I’ll call you back, what’s your name?” which they are unlikely to agree to. If you want to check – or report the call – you can just type ‘EE Phone Number’ into the Google search bar and you will get the real EE.
Scam phone calls
If you get a phone call and don’t recognise the number, don’t answer it – if it’s someone you know they will most likely leave a message and you can call them back – if you really want to know who called you – you can look it up on
Which? Warn of scam WhatsApp messages with job offers – if you reply to a message the scammer sends more information about the job then asks you to pay for things like security checks or work equipment – termed ‘advance fee fraud’. Scammers also use fake job ads for money laundering purposes or to obtain your bank details or identity documents such as passport. Which? Have warned Fastnet that scammers are using their name to offer fake job opportunities.
If you have been affected by a scam – help is out there – Victim Support has a free confidential helpline 0808 168 9111 and so does Mind 0300 123 3393.
Sign up for Which? Scam alerts: Find details of recent scams here: and on our Facebook page: Rainford-it-stay safe online and on our blog on our website.
Rainford-IT are part of Strawberry Fields – Nominet Channel partners and Cisco network partners.
We register and renew domain names. We manage our own servers, email, IT and website hosting. We can fix most hardware – Macs as well as PCs. It’s a family business and we provide a personal service.
Published in the February edition of the Whitchurch Gossip
#staysafeonline @actionfrauduk @WhichUK #WeFixMacs