Tag: passwords

Stay Safe Online – Scam emails that are after your passwords

Stay Safe Online – Scam emails that are after your passwords

Stay Safe Online – Two scam emails to watch out for

Cyber security alert – warning to all businesses – there is a phishing email going around which appears to come from:


“We are currently developing Cyber Security and Phishing Awareness training packages to be provided to the whole company. The aim of the training is to raise awareness amongst our employees regarding current Cyber threats, social engineering attacks and other forms of malicious hacking.

Once completed we hope to have a stronger response to Cyber threats, company-wide. This training will provide ongoing assurance to our Partners and Stakeholders; as well as our current client base. Please could you follow the link below so that we can prepare your Cyber Security Training package for you and once it has been prepared you will receive an email after 72 hours with detailed instructions on how to complete the training.

The training is all done online and can be completed in under 30 minutes.

Take me to my training

Many thanks,

IT Support ”

And it will have your company name and address at the bottom of the email – so, it looks really authentic.  If anyone in your organisation has clicked on the link and input credentials, then they must change their password immediately and you need to check for any security breaches.

Email scam
Watch out for this scam email that appears to come from someone you know – the fraudster is hoping you will click on the link and put in your password.  (Dropbox is file sharing software.)

Subject: (Friend’s name) sent you an important document

(Friend’s name) sent you an important document via Dropbox

Access Document

Click on the Access Document to find the attached document for your expedited option.

Thank you
(Friend’s name)

What to do – just delete the email – but let your friend know that their email has been compromised and they need to change their email password immediately.  If you have accidentally clicked on the link and put in your password – ring us 01948 840102

Sign up here for Which? Scam alerts direct to your inbox:


Find details of recent scams here: www.actionfraud.police.uk and on our Facebook page:
Rainford-it-stay safe online.

Rainford-IT are part of Strawberry Fields – Nominet Channel partners and Cisco network partners.  We register and renew domain names. We manage our own servers, email, IT and website hosting.  We can fix most hardware – Macs as well as Windows – desktops and laptops.    It’s a family business and we provide a personal service.

Published in the December edition of the Whitchurch Gossip


Stay Safe Online Facebook Warning

Stay Safe Online Facebook Warning

I got messages on Facebook from people I didn’t know and I began to panic. I thought I had been hacked, my computer had viruses, criminals knew my passwords, I was worried they had access to my bank account. If you were using your mobile phone, don’t worry. it’s the safest place to access Facebook, but you do need to warn your friends that you have been hacked and change any passwords that you typed in – visit our website for more advice.

Stay Safe Online – Do’s and Don’ts

Stay Safe Online – Do’s and Don’ts

Don’t allow anyone remote access for any reason – it gives scammers remote control of your computer which allows them to steal personal information, including passwords and banking information. 

Stay Safe Online – Scam Text Messages

Stay Safe Online – Scam Text Messages

How do you find out if a text is real or if it is a scam?
Go onto the internet and type ‘google.com’ into the address bar at the top of the page – this will give you Google’s search page – then type ‘contact Lloyds’ into the search bar – the first thing listed will be the real Lloyds Bank – and you will see it’s www.lloydsbank.com