The Fibre Switchover – warning about scam phone calls

The Fibre Switchover – warning about scam phone calls.

Warning to people who still have landline telephones – and especially those vulnerable and elderly people who rely on them for medical reasons.

The digital switchover – from copper to fibre – is not likely to be complete until 2025 – and everyone who is affected will be entitled to free digital handsets and adapters for emergency contact devices – THERE IS NO CHARGE.

Unfortunately, fraudsters are taking advantage of the change and are ringing people saying they need to provide their bank details to ensure their phone will not be disconnected – or asking for payments for digital conversion kits.

Which? are asking everyone to please reassure friends and family that they will not be cut off and the move is totally free of charge.

#staysafeonline, @actionfrauduk @WhichUK  #WeFixMacs #PhoneScams, #FibreSscams,